Grain Receival Depot

Drone Structure Scan Industrial Infrastructure Grain Receival - Image 1

Drone Structure Scan - Industrial Infrastructure

A drone structure scan of some industrial infrastructure using a Phantom 3 4K and photogrammetry processing with Drone Deploy.

Mission Summary

  • Goal: Drone scan grain receival depot in preparation to conduct larger scan on regional / port depot
  • Tech: DJI Phantom 3 4K, Drone Deploy
  • Conditions: Midday, sunny, moderate wind
  • Outcome: 3x batteries and 60min of flight time has produced a detailed scan with a 1cm/pixel resolution

Drone Structure Scan Industrial Infrastructure Grain Receival - Image 2

Drone Structure Scan Industrial Infrastructure Grain Receival - Image 3

Drone Structure Scan Industrial Infrastructure Grain Receival - Image 4

Drone Deploy Elevation Profile of Industrial Infrastructure - Image 1

Drone Deploy Elevation Profile of Industrial Infrastructure - Image 2

Drone Deploy Elevation Profile of Industrial Infrastructure - Image 3

Drone Deploy Logo

This has been another 'drone adventure' in aerial surveying, inspection and mapping by The Aero Scout.
Location: Grass Valley WA 6403, Australia